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As a guest author you bring your voice to a new large audience, building your profile and credentials.You also get to add 2 do-follow links to your blog (You may also add a link to one of your social profiles, we will add a no-follow tag to this extra link, unless you make it one of your main links), website or anywhere you choose (With some exceptions) added to the post so you really are reaching a new audience and as the primary readership of this Blog is people who keep their own Blogs you are connecting with like minded readers.The links are added as do-follow in an about the author section below post.Self serving links are not allowed in the main parts of the post.

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If you have a post ready Great, send it in the format you are most comfortable with (Text, HTML, Document, Zip, etc or if your unsure just paste it into the Email) and i will get back to you.If you have an idea or title you want to run past me let me know.If you want more info on the process just ask.

Thanks again for your interest and i look forward to hearing from you.

LEXA Founder Of Lexablogging™ | © 2013 -